Easy to use for Internet trolling.
Easy to use for Internet trolling.
SDN is great!
New version of the app is much easier to navigate. Content great as always.
Great app representative of the website. I cant seem to vote when there are polls on threads when using the app, but this is a minor flaw.
This app is awesome, it keeps you updated with info you need...
It has a nice and clean UI that matches what you need on desktop version. I only wish that there was a "notification" section at the top where you can scroll between different subjects horizontally. Highly recommend!
After so many updates, youd think they would fix the issue with the inability to see what your writing when editing longer posts, or the ability to scroll down so that you can edit the end of those posts.
Edit: consistently crashes on start up. Please fix!! Love the ability to see responses to threads Ive recently posted on, then being able to quickly jump to them... They need that feature on the actual website too. Great app.
Crashing ??!!!
Running apples latest software, the SDN app crashes immediately upon start up. Unusable!! Please fix
App may need to be removed and reinstalled if you experience crashes or login issues.
Nice way to keep in touch with others
App does the job, easy to navigate, and of course SDN is fantastic
Awesome! I wish that there was more feedback on the "interview" section and it wasnt outdated. Other than that it works great.
Still trying to figure out if I can get a list of my favorites only, instead of having to scroll through all schools..
What the title said
Very stable app. Smooth functioning.
Got it when it was free. Works great. Look for promos!
For real.
But they should fix being unable to scroll down while editing a long post. The keyboard covers half of the screen, and one just deletes blindly, then closes the keyboard to look, then deletes more and so on.